Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hi all. Thank goodness it is Friday lol. Yes, I know it's early but it is still Friday here hehe. My brother came home on Tuesday and they said he was good to go. He had an allergic reaction to the medicine for the initial breakout of hives. They never figured out what he was breaking out from. I don't know, it is still a bit confuseing lol. I'm going to call my mother today to see how it is all going. I know they were talking about him going back to work sometime this week.

My daughter is doing good. She was a bit upset and needed mom to cry on when she found out one of her friends might be moving and changing schools. It is up in the air and you know teens...everything is drama drama drama lol. I hope she doesn't move for all her friends sakes. They find out today for sure so we shall see. She cheered up a bit when her ipod touch came in the mail today. We got it from ebay because I would never pay full price lol. Actually, it was bought with her birthday money with a little extra chore money included. She loves it and so the texting is long forgotten lol. Oh, and it is something I have to take away when she is not listening etc... hey you have to have some leverage right lol.

Ok well I am off to go pay some bills online. Oh what fun it is to watch your money come and go lol....Not. Take care

1 comment:

Alice said...

What fun to be a mom to teenagers. Come over to my place and get the Marie Antoinette Award I have for you :)........