Friday, October 31, 2008


Hey all. Happy Halloween! I hope everyone is having a good day. We are doing ok here. I'm posting an old picture of my daughter and her cousin a few years back on Halloween. They looked so cute..I miss those days. Now she doesn't know what she will be until that night lol. She is going to be pink lol don't ask me. I have to make a last minute run to the store to get some pink eye shadow and lipstick. Ya, fun times lol. After running my errands I will be going over my friends house and then off to bingo lol. I have never gone there on Halloween so this should be interesting. Hubby will be left to deal with the trick or treaters haha. Ok all have a safe fun night.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Kitty Update

Hey all. Well last night I was up late as usual and I heard some meowing coming from outside. My Star kitty had come back home after almost three weeks. I was shocked to see her and hear her meowing so loudly is very unlike her. So, I went out and fed her and she didn't want to eat but needed lovies and such lol. She did eat but when I went inside she kept meowing. When I told my daughter this morning she was so happy she ran out with her pj's on to go visit her before getting ready for school lol. She fed her and gave her lots of love. We are all very happy to see her back yay :). Ok I will post more later. take care

Monday, October 27, 2008

halloween kitty'>" target="_blank">halloween kitty'>" border="0" alt="halloween kitty">

An Ok Weekend

Hey all. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was ok. We hung out at home most of the time. I did go to bingo Saturday night but that is about it. We caught up on some cleaning and laundry. I know how exciting lol. My daughter still hasn't figured what she wants to be or do on Halloween. I mostly stay home and give out treats but a friend of mine wants go out to Halloween bingo. So we shall see what happens.

My cat Felix is almost back to normal. His wound is very small and I hope to not have to see any of it soon lol. My problem is much better too so that is something to be thankfull for lol.

We played guitar hero this weekend lol. It is one of our favorite things to do. We also have sing star and like to play that at times too. Hey, it keeps us entertained right lol. What is sad is that my daughter is better at the guitar then any of us lol.

Well tommorow I'm going out to my friends house and we're going to make dinner and watch a scary movie. Should be fun if all goes as planned lol. I say that because alot of times when we plan something, weird things happen. I tell her we have the Thelma and Louise syndrome lol. Like one day we were going to the flea market and ended up in a ditch with snow up to our waists lol. Ya, fun wow lol. Another time we ended up shopping and came out to a flat tire. Took hours to get help and back home. The list goes on and on lol.

I am trying a tag out .. hope it works and if it does.. thanks Sugar for the tag lol. Have a good week!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaack

Hi all. I wasn't gone long but it is still good to be back. Brrrr it is cold outside lol. Yesterday I was running errands and it started hailing. There was snow falling near by but not in the town I live in but still. Saying snow is a curse word in my house lol. Too soon for snow wahhhhhhhhh lol.
This is a picture of my daughter D and her best friend R. They have been best buds since pre school. All the pictures look like this one. How annoying lol. I am trying to track down some better ones from some of her friends that were there. We shall see :) It's a cute picture but I would of liked to have one of her dress etc. Oh well.
I went to the doctor yesterday. Got the run around about the time I had to be there. They tend to do that there and it is ANNOYING. So, I got there earlier like they wanted me to and proceeded to wait for twenty minutes. I had my daughter with me as I had to take her to dance after my appointment. I was crossing my fingers that I would be out of there on time. A women came in and started crying and couldn't stop. I felt bad for her and tried not to look over too often. My daughter was in another world and didn't even notice. Turns out she was having anxiety attacks. Felt so bad for her. Anyway, I went in and told the doctor what was up. Lets just say the result included some scissors and gause and tape that wouldn't cooperate at the time. It was very comical but I didn't notice to much since I was the one bleeding lol. I feel much better now and am on antibiotics. Being sore is much easier then being in the pain I was in for over a week so whoooohooo lol.
Ok so enough of that. Not much else going on except some drama my best friend is going through that I cannot get into details with. Lets just say what comes around, goes around and this someone messing with her will get theres in the end!!!!! Alrighty then lol I will end this now. You all take care and have a good rest of the week.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Quickie

Hey there. I know I haven't been around in a few days so I wanted to drop by for a quickie lol. Well, I haven't been feeling well for about a week now and it hasn't gotten better so I fizzled and have been sleeping alot and just not feeling like doing much. Today I have a doctor appointment so I hope to be feeling better soon. Lets just say the last time I let this go I was sick for months. Ok take care and I hope to be around more soon :).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another Thing Lost!!!!!!!!

Hi all. Isn't life grand. I went with hubby on Friday to play at the casino a little bit. Broke even so I guess that was good lol. Only thing is I lost my pretty pink cell phone grrrrrr!!! Sure, I'd prefer a purple one but they don't have any I like in purple lol. We searched everywhere for it and poof ...gone. No one turned it in so we left. I waited until later today to call the phone company to tell them. Wishing that someone would call and tell me it was found lol. Keep in mind we cancelled our land line because we were getting harassed so much. So each of us have our own cell. All of them insured because both hubby and D have lost or broken phones in the past. Never, I mean never have I broke or lost a phone. ... until now lol. When I first signed up for insurance I didn't know that you had to pay a deductible. So when I had to have my daughters phone replaced I was shocked. A service fee each month plus a fifty dollar deductible ..yuck. She was able to get and upgrade and new phone.. lucky duck. Me, ohhh I wasn't so lucky. I get a refurbished one fricking wow. I looked on the site and they don't even sell them there. Great I get someones used phone for the same price as others are getting new ones. ..bull crap if you ask me. I will make sure when it is time to renew that I look at other places lol. Ok rant over.
My daughter had her homecoming dance tonight. I sent my camera with her and told her to take good pictures. Well, I didn't even get a pic of her in her dress fully. Just heads and some chest.. come on I paid money for your dress and all I get is head shots???lol Ok now my rant is for sure over. Lets just say it's been an interesting weekend so far. Please, please let Sunday go better lol. Night all.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not a Winner and Missing Kitty

Hi all. Hope everyone had a good hump day. As for me, ehh it was ok. I went to bingo with one of my friends this afternoon and of course came close but didn't win ..grrrrrrr. So I came home and made chicken and dumplings for dinner. I just started making this dish last year and I love it.It does take time and my hands always cramp up bad while I peel and chop veggies etc. This is something my grandma would make and it was so good I never thought I would be able to make it as good. I have to say though that it's darn there I'm tooting my own horn LOL.
On another subject, my kitty Felix is doing well though he doesn't like the cleaning and creme lol. He does love his twice a day treat of chicken or ham with a pill inside hehe. His wound is looking much better and all is well so that eases my mind.
Above is a picture of my cat Star. She has mainly been an outside cat because she thinks our beds are her litter box. Ya fun wow. I have tried many times to have her inside but each time she left us gifts on our blankets and pillows..ewwwww. Well, she has been missing for about a week now. Not sure what has happened and it has happened before and she has shown up but I am thinking this time we won't be so lucky. She was a sweetie and we loved her no matter if she was outside or not. I hope she shows back up but I am not going to hold my breath.
This week is homecoming week for my daughter and yes we are doing the last minute thing to get her ready for it. I did buy her a couple dresses for this year. She tells me one is too short now and one is too long lol. Come on now I tried to be ahead of the game and well that didn't pan out lol. Lots of other things going on the same day but I will get into that later. This has become too long so I will close for now. Take care

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just got home

Hey all, this is the second time I am trying this. Not sure why but all the settings I had earlier did not set. I hope when I save this to the blog it will come out right lol.

Well, I just got home from my friends house. I had gone over earlier and we had made dinner and rented movies. In between I took and picked up my daughter at dance. We made tacos and rented Murder Inc. and Love Guru. The first movie was really weird and we didn't watch but a half hour of it before we put in the next one lol. I must like stupid humor movies because the Love Guru cracked me up lol.

I wanted to thank Sugar for the tag I snagged from her blog. This is my first time useing a tag and I hope it works out so thanks again :). Well it's time to hit save and hope for the best. Oh and there is ice cream calling my name and blogs to read lol. Take care

A Quickie

Hey all. I am here just to figure out if I can fix this font etc so some here can read it better. I know I have issues with my eyes and reading small print at times and I want to have it nice in here so all can read without having to squint etc lol. So let me know if this is better okie.. I will have a real post later..take care

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kitty ER

Hi all. Well today was more eventfull then I thought it would be lol. My husbund went outside to mow the lawn and discovered that our kitty Felix had a large round fleshy spot below the side of his neck. Not so nice to look at so I proceeded to call my vet who told me to go somewhere else..nice huh. Anyway, after calling three places I was told I could bring him into a vet not so close to me for critical care. Now we all know they charge and arm and a leg for these places but what could I do. So we all showered and left with him wrapped in a blankie looking like a baby lol. He is a very easy going cat and he was not so happy in the car but didn't mind the vets office at all lol. The vet said it looked like a ruptured cyst. None of us seen a cyst and would of taken him in if we did. So he is inside now and on antibiotics and a wound cleaner and creme. I am not looking forward to doing this as I know I will get growled at lol. He is suppose to be on all this for a couple weeks and I need to take him into our vets office for a follow up after the two weeks. Sigh, almost two hundred dollars later we walked out and headed to Wendy's for some chicken nuggets to hide his first pill in lol. He took it happily and now he is resting in the chair next to me sleeping. There was some problems with my other cat as he was not in the mood to be bothered but we will get through it as long as he gets better. Oh ya and it is suppose to take like two months to heal wow.

So there went the Halloween decorating etc lol. I am glad it is over and done with and we know he is alright. The picture I posted is of Felix and D. It is an old one but one of my favorites. Ok well I'm gonna go read some blogs and relax some. Take care :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Some Progress!!!!!

Hey all. Hope everyone is doing well. We had an ok Sunday. Spent all day with my daughter and we fiddled on the computer trying to figure out how to make my blog look all pretty like lol. She knows how to do some things that I don't so I asked for her help lol pathetic I know lol. She told me in the end that she didn't really help much but I think she did since my blog is looking much nicer now. Maybe I just needed back up on some of my thinking on how to do it lol. There are still some things that I would like to do different but that will come with time. It helps to have graphics.which I don't hehe. I'm paranoid that I will post some things without permission etc and get in trouble. So any of you graphic geeks out there I would love some to post on my journal lol.
The picture I am including is of my daughter at her birthday party last month. We had it at the bowling ally in our town. It seems to be her favorite place to have her party so we went with the easy way out. Many friends and family came and we all had a good time.
I see that I have some new followers and commenter's thanks so much for coming and joining in. Never did I think I would have my own blog and hold any interest of others lol.
Well, with the holiday comes both my husband and daughter home to drive me crazy but that's ok there are things to do get the Halloween stuff out and put it outside LOL. One can hope right?lol
Ok all have a good week!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ho hummm,, cannot think of title lol

Hi all. Hope everyone is doing well this evening. I'm doing OK.. same ole same ole lol. The picture I'm posting is of my daughter D. It was taken last Christmas. She just turned 15 and I am feeling older every year she has a birthday. Her birthday lands just four days after mine lol. Not sure what I will do when she is old enough to leave home, depressed is my guess as she is my world lol. She was a big surprise for me and her dad as we had only been together three months or so before she was conceived lol. A good one mind you but a surprise none the less. We didn't marry until she was almost five years old. Not sure why we waited so long lol. I have now been married ten years and with hubby for almost sixteen years. Wow that looks like a lifetime when I type that lol. This being my first blog I am not sure what to say at times lol. I guess I feel weird writing about myself. So if any of you out there have any questions or suggestions I would appreciate it. Ok I will end this for now. Take care and have a good rest of the week.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Try..and Try again...

Hey all. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was good. Not very event full but that isn't always a bad thing lol.
This is my sweet Felix or orange sweet, drooling, stinky..fluffy hair ball. He is very cuddly but beware he drools on a constant basis and sheds all over you. If he could stay in a constant state of hugging you..he would lol. He also loves to dig his nails in as he cuddles. Needless to say, it's always an adventure with Felix. My mom found him on her doorstep in the middle of winter. He was begging to come in and cuddled close to her and worked his way into her heart. She at the time could not keep any more cats so of course she called me lol. I kept it a secret until the new years eve when we went to drop my daughter off to stay with her for the night. D (my daughter) fell in love instantly and to her surprise I told her he would be coming home with us in the new year. I think we have had him at least 3 or 4 years now. He loves to go out in the summer so I keep him out there until our first snow and then he spends the winter inside. I must say without getting into detail he is the most stinky cat I have had in the litter pan department..phhewww. Ok nuff said lol. We love him drool, stink and all lol. In this pic he is hanging out with me on Halloween, getting ready for the trick or treaters. Very cute kitty if I do say so myself.
I keep trying to add things to this blog.. such as a new background or a slideshow but it hasn't been working out. Sooo I try and try untill I get it day. Ok take care all and have a good week.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A Swell Saturday...uhhh ya sure lol

Hey all. Hope everyone is having a good Saturday. Mine, eh it's ok. I had to take my daughter to her soccer game and then run a few errands. Not much going on so I guess that is a good thing???lol The picture is of my daughter and Mama on a day like today where there is much leisure time lol. She would kill me if she knew I was posting this picture but I couldn't resist ..its so cute lol. My daughters nick name is brat so if it slips on here you will know who I'm speaking of lol. She is going to a birthday dinner for one of her cousins tonight and I may go out to a friends house to watch movies and have a few beers. Whooohoo now that's living. OK well enough babble. I will close for now and see you all laterzz. Have a good rest of the weekend!!!! chow for now

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shock and Awwww ;)

Hey all. I must say I was shocked when I logged on here tonight. Not expecting to see that anyone viewed my blog or joined as a follower etc.

To my surprise was 2 watchers and 3 comments ..whoop lol. I know that I am easily amused he he. All I can say is thank you and that it made my day for sure.

In case you are wondering about the kitty pics I have been posting they are of my cat Mamma. I acquired her about 3ish years ago. She was a stray hanging off my door. It was march and freezing out. I was feeding my one outside cat and there she was waiting for that days chow time lol. Feeling terrible for her I had planned to take her in and soon discovered she was prego lol. That in itself is a story but I will save that one for later. Anyways, she is part of my zoo crew around here. More of them to come in the future with pics included.

Well, that is it for now. Hope I didn't bore you too much with my ramblings. I haven't figured out much on here. Lurking on other blogs and seeing the grand things being done I feel like a dud but hopefully someone can help me out once the dust has settled around here. Take care and have a great Friday.....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Fresh Start

This is my first try on here. I was on aohelllll but didn't really post much because it seemed just too complicated. Who knows if it will be here as well but I figured I would try it out. So if you are here.. thanks for coming and I hope not to bomb like I did on aol. chow for now :)