Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just got home

Hey all, this is the second time I am trying this. Not sure why but all the settings I had earlier did not set. I hope when I save this to the blog it will come out right lol.

Well, I just got home from my friends house. I had gone over earlier and we had made dinner and rented movies. In between I took and picked up my daughter at dance. We made tacos and rented Murder Inc. and Love Guru. The first movie was really weird and we didn't watch but a half hour of it before we put in the next one lol. I must like stupid humor movies because the Love Guru cracked me up lol.

I wanted to thank Sugar for the tag I snagged from her blog. This is my first time useing a tag and I hope it works out so thanks again :). Well it's time to hit save and hope for the best. Oh and there is ice cream calling my name and blogs to read lol. Take care


Monica said...

I had apple and ice cream calling for me. ::Sigh:: I really shouldn't have been listening to it. Your page looks really good and festive for the upcoming holiday.


Sara said...

Hello, and thank you for following me :o)

Read about your cat, poor thing, hope the wound heals up nicely, and quickly!


Sugar said...

your blog is looking great!
i noticed the tag you have on it, lost it's animation? did you save as a .gif, use photobucket, & post as a html? you need to keep animation on animated tags. ;)

Missie said...

The ice cream is sounding really good right now.

Searching for Peace said...

I hope that your enjoyed your dessert. Your page is very well done. I wish I could do that good. I hope you have a nice day...hugs, Christine

betty said...

I'll have to check out Love Guru; sounds like a cute movie :)
