Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not a Winner and Missing Kitty

Hi all. Hope everyone had a good hump day. As for me, ehh it was ok. I went to bingo with one of my friends this afternoon and of course came close but didn't win ..grrrrrrr. So I came home and made chicken and dumplings for dinner. I just started making this dish last year and I love it.It does take time and my hands always cramp up bad while I peel and chop veggies etc. This is something my grandma would make and it was so good I never thought I would be able to make it as good. I have to say though that it's darn there I'm tooting my own horn LOL.
On another subject, my kitty Felix is doing well though he doesn't like the cleaning and creme lol. He does love his twice a day treat of chicken or ham with a pill inside hehe. His wound is looking much better and all is well so that eases my mind.
Above is a picture of my cat Star. She has mainly been an outside cat because she thinks our beds are her litter box. Ya fun wow. I have tried many times to have her inside but each time she left us gifts on our blankets and pillows..ewwwww. Well, she has been missing for about a week now. Not sure what has happened and it has happened before and she has shown up but I am thinking this time we won't be so lucky. She was a sweetie and we loved her no matter if she was outside or not. I hope she shows back up but I am not going to hold my breath.
This week is homecoming week for my daughter and yes we are doing the last minute thing to get her ready for it. I did buy her a couple dresses for this year. She tells me one is too short now and one is too long lol. Come on now I tried to be ahead of the game and well that didn't pan out lol. Lots of other things going on the same day but I will get into that later. This has become too long so I will close for now. Take care


Bookncoffee said...

Your dinner sounds really good. Yummo. Hope your kitty shows up. We have had that happen a few times to our cats. One time ours was shut up in an elderly neighbors garage. I called her name while looking for her one afternoon and she heard me and spotted me from their garage window and I happened to see her from 2 doors down and had to go knock on the door to tell the neighbors. The wife kept saying "honey I told you I kept hearing a cat" to her husband lol. So you never know. lol

Sara said...

I will be worrying about your kitty now :o(

Hope she comes home soon!


Searching for Peace said...

we have two cats here. One stay inside all the time. That is my darling Raskals. The other one staysout most of the time. He is the same way excpet he piss and poos on our clean laundry in our laundry baskets and heaven for bid we leave clothes out to wear the next day, he will go on that. Why do they do that? I am glad that your cat is feeling better and i hope that your othr cat will return home soon....hugs, Christine

Dawn said...

Glad your sick kitty is getting better and I do hope your missing kitty comes back around.

be well...

Alice said...

Glad the one kitty is healing and maybe the other kitty found somewhere she can stay inside.Just kidding! Hopefully she will miss you all and come back home :)....alice

swmpgrly said...

hey thanks for stopping by my blog...cute kitty too

betty said...

I love playing Bingo! haven't done it in years though; I was like you, always one number needed

hope your kittie makes its way home

dinner sounds good :)


lisa said...

i hope the kitty comes back safely....please take homecoming pics!! It is SO hard to please a teen girl ,huh?
I bet your food was delicious. XO

Rose said...

I used to have a cat named Lucky but as soon as my mom died he left. rose