Thursday, October 2, 2008

Shock and Awwww ;)

Hey all. I must say I was shocked when I logged on here tonight. Not expecting to see that anyone viewed my blog or joined as a follower etc.

To my surprise was 2 watchers and 3 comments ..whoop lol. I know that I am easily amused he he. All I can say is thank you and that it made my day for sure.

In case you are wondering about the kitty pics I have been posting they are of my cat Mamma. I acquired her about 3ish years ago. She was a stray hanging off my door. It was march and freezing out. I was feeding my one outside cat and there she was waiting for that days chow time lol. Feeling terrible for her I had planned to take her in and soon discovered she was prego lol. That in itself is a story but I will save that one for later. Anyways, she is part of my zoo crew around here. More of them to come in the future with pics included.

Well, that is it for now. Hope I didn't bore you too much with my ramblings. I haven't figured out much on here. Lurking on other blogs and seeing the grand things being done I feel like a dud but hopefully someone can help me out once the dust has settled around here. Take care and have a great Friday.....


Bookncoffee said...

Oh yeah, keep blogging and follow people and many will follow you. Good job. Love the cat. I'm a cat AND dog lover!

Helen said...

Thanks for coming by my journal. Your kitty story is great. Bless you for taking her in. Helen

Missie said...

The more you blog, the more followers your get! Enjoy your weekend.

Melissa said...

Awww, I love Mamma! I have some cat stories to tell too!

Linda :) said...

Thanks for introducing yourself...
if you go all the way down the left side of my blog you will see the follow me list....
because of the follow me link I have come out too on a few blogs I used to lurk on, lol....
Have a great weekend!!