Thursday, December 25, 2008
Hi all. Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We will be leaving for my aunts house in a few minutes and I'm not sure when I will be back on. Take care and have a great holiday.
Thanks to Sonya for the great tag.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Holy Snow Batman lol
Hi all. Hope everyone is warm and cozy at home. It has been crazy here with high winds and tons of snow for the past few days. Friday and today my daughter had snow days. She goes back for one day then it is vacation time..woohooo lol. Two different storms have passed through here since Friday. It's so crazy that my hubby couldn't even deliver the newspaper last night. Tons of vehicles stuck in ditches. Even the plows themselves were in ditches. I just hope that Christmas is not going to be bad as we have a 45 minute drive ahead of us. Fun times lol. Oh and my husbands windshield wiper broke lol. Perfect timing I guess lol. We also need to get new tires on my car as it isn't too good in the snow. Gotta love winter lol.
I'm all done with my Christmas shopping thank goodness and we have made the cookies. The party was nice and we all chatted and baked and had some wine lol. My friend that was in the hospital is doing better. There are things she still has to follow up on that will suck but at least she is healthy enough to enjoy the holidays. We are going to bingo tomorrow and exchanging gifts so that will be a fun outing. I'm crossing my fingers that the snow will stay away as I drive there and back lol. Ok take care all and have a good week. Thanks again Sugar for the pretty tag :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Countdown
Hey all. Hope everyone is doing well and staying sane from all the running around they are doing with the holidays approaching so quickly. I can't believe there is only nine days left. This month has flown by lol. Good news is I am about done with my Christmas shopping and about done sending out my cards..woohoo. Just have to get some stocking stuffers and wait for my shipments to come in and wrap them all up.
The other day I got a call from a good friend of mine and she was admitted into the hospital with a terrible kidney infection and they spotted a growth on her ovary. All that and she is also having problems with her colen. She is a breast cancer survivor and when I heard she had a growth I thought the worst. Well it turns out that is a cyst they think and are going to give her medication to shrink it after she recovers from her infection. They told her if she would of come in any later she might of had to get the kidney removed so I am very thankful for the good news even though she has had a bad time of it. I speak with her everyday and she seems to be improving and they may let her go home in a few days..woohoo :). So if you can please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
This Saturday another friend of mine is having a cookie exchange party. I went to one last year at another friends house and it was crazy. Tons of people and tons of cookies lol. I know this one will be smaller but I will still make the only cookie I am good at making....chocolate chip LOL. Ok well I'm going to head out now. Take care and have a good week. Thanks again Sugar for the cute tag :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hey all. Hope everyone is doing good. I'm doing fine. Just trying to get more in the holiday spirit of things. I still haven't finished decorating the house but we do have the tree and lights up.
Thank you all for the sweet comments on the baby. She is a cutie and a welcomed edition to this already big family lol. Maybe, just maybe I will get to meet the other new edition come Christmas time.
About three years or so back we had a bit of a family falling out. My mother was angry, I was angry and her husband was as well. None of it was my fault but I stuck my two cents in and was punished for that fact. My mother in turn stopped having any holiday meals or get togethers for anything. My step father stopped speaking to me and it was a big slap in the face. Birthdays and holidays came and went and we didn't see each other at all. I was so sad for the holidays to come. When my daughter has her dance recitals we would all gather and go see her do her thing but I wasn't spoken to or sat by. Well my mom did but my step dad hadn't spoken to me in years up until last June. After last June he emailed me and wanted to let it all go as we weren't getting any younger. All this caused alot of rifts through our family and we haven't had a Christmas all together in three years. I get sent Christmas cards from my mom with a check inside. The gift or money doesn't mean anything to me but being together with each other is what matters. She still isn't having us over during these occasions but at least we get along and can all be nice etc. This Christmas we are having some relatives come out for a visit and I hope to see us all together in one room. That is top on my Christmas wish list. You never know when your time will come..spend that time with loved ones. Give them big hugs and let them know you love them. Time is short and building those memories is priceless.
Ok now that I have rambled on I will close this for now lol. Take care and hugs to you all. Thank you Sugar for the cute tag.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Another Picture
I thought this picture was so funny. She loves to put her hands all over her face when she sleeps lol. We had fun yesterday though it was very crowded. It was like a belated Thanksgiving dinner and a welcome baby to the family dinner hehe. I gave her a few outfits for her but her main gift a crochet blanket that is still being made. I'm thinking this blanket is going to be huge as my friend made it a bit long and had to go on from there lol. Oh well she can use it for years and years. I made a pork loin with all the fixings today. It was yummy and I got rave reviews woohoo lol. I like to cook but only when I'm in the mood to you know how that goes. Ok well be prepared for a few more pictures of this cutie as I have a few more that I would like to post tomorrow. Take care all.
Pictures of My Niece
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Snow is Here
Before I start I just want to thank Sonya for the tag. I've been going to a few tag blogs and snatching all the good thanks again everyone lol. Well, the snow has hit my area. I think we got like half a foot out there. It's freezing brrrrrrrrrrrr. All this week and some of last the snow has hit all around us and I was thank full for that lol. We were due to get it sooner or later. I don't like driving in the snow or walking in it. My husband doesn't either and wants to move to somewhere warm but I don't want to leave my family and friends here. No matter where you live you have to live with some weather condition that you don't like so we have to grin and bear it lol.
This Sunday we are suppose to go over my brother in laws and have a belated turkey dinner and meet the new addition. I must remember to bring my camera so I can post some pictures of her on here. My sister in law had a c section last Friday and she is already going out and doing things. I think that is crazy but she is on her 7 th child so I guess she is a pro at what her body can handle. Ok, time for bed. Take care all.
This Sunday we are suppose to go over my brother in laws and have a belated turkey dinner and meet the new addition. I must remember to bring my camera so I can post some pictures of her on here. My sister in law had a c section last Friday and she is already going out and doing things. I think that is crazy but she is on her 7 th child so I guess she is a pro at what her body can handle. Ok, time for bed. Take care all.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Trying another tag from D
Trying another tag lol
Hi all. I snagged this one from Sugar so thank you Sugar :). I think I saved my tag from D's design wrong and it wasn't animated and didn't work on here. Hope this one works. I'm so dense when it comes to these things. Oh ya thats my hubby the grinch up there. If he could he would cancel Take care and I will post a bit later. Here goes nothin lol.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My New Second Cousin Camden and Cyber Monday Madness
Hey all. Hope everyone is having a good week so far. We are doing ok here. We have been having some snow fun...not. It's cooooold outside lol. The picture above is of my cousin Camden. He is a cutie for sure. I diapered his dad as an infant so now I am feeling a bit oooooooold lol. I have always felt and been told I am more like an aunt to him so I guess that makes me a great aunt now LOL. I hope to get a picture of my new niece this week and can post that also. I also hope to meet Camden around Christmas as they live in Las Vegas and that is a bit far to go lol. The family doesn't seem to get together like they use to. I miss the old days lol.
Well I made it through Cyber Monday hehe. It was fun and I spend most of my time online browsing and purchasing. I helped a friend of mine get a nintendo ds for her daughters birthday that is 10 days before Christmas. Looking for just the right deal is fun but after awhile it can drive you insane lol. It seemed like everyone had some sort of sale going on. I was everywhere and my computer would freeze up here and there grrrr. So in the end I had ordered gifts from about four places. I'm not done yet and have to place an order next week. Also, next Friday I am the driver and my friend is the runner lol. No we are not robbing a bank lol. We are going to the mall..guess that does feel like we are being robbed LOL. Okok I am goofy this evening. Well I make sure she doesn't walk a mile to park and she helps me out by picking up a few things for me.. it works out lol.
Ok well I will close this for now. Take care all and have a great week.
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