Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Picture

I thought this picture was so funny. She loves to put her hands all over her face when she sleeps lol. We had fun yesterday though it was very crowded. It was like a belated Thanksgiving dinner and a welcome baby to the family dinner hehe. I gave her a few outfits for her but her main gift a crochet blanket that is still being made. I'm thinking this blanket is going to be huge as my friend made it a bit long and had to go on from there lol. Oh well she can use it for years and years. I made a pork loin with all the fixings today. It was yummy and I got rave reviews woohoo lol. I like to cook but only when I'm in the mood to you know how that goes. Ok well be prepared for a few more pictures of this cutie as I have a few more that I would like to post tomorrow. Take care all.


Monica said...

What a cute baby! I couldn't read much of the entry as the snowman kept hoping where I wanted to read! I think he wants some attention and is feeling neglected with us ohhhhhhh'ing and awwwwwwww'ing over the baby!


Helen said...

What a sweetie. She is so cute. Helen

Lisa said...

Awwww what a cutie !!!!!!!!, Hugs Lisa

Jimmy's Journal said...

Now that's a cute baby!


Amanda said...

(((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))She is very cute and one special baby.

Missie said...

The baby really is a cutie!

Your dinner sounds really good,

Searching for Peace said...

She is adorable!! I love babies but I dont think i wold even have the strength to have another. I will just wait for grandchildren. : ) Blessing to you. Hugs, Christine