Thursday, January 15, 2009

Long Time No Blog

Hey all. Hope everyone is doing good and making it through this super cold snap we are having ..brrrr. I know I have been gone since Christmas and I'm sorry about that but I was in a bit of a funk. It always happens to me soon after the holiday hoopla has ended. I was tired and worn out and a bit bummed that it was all over lol. Oh well, I'm back and hope to post more in the new year. Happy belated New Year everyone lol.

A couple of weeks ago my in laws house burned down. My father in law was not home and my mil got out just in time. They don't live too far from us and I didn't even hear an engine or siren that morning. We are all shocked and saddened. This was the house my husband grew up in and his parents are in there 70's and it's a shame that they had this happen to them. I lost my home when I was 8 years old and know how it feels to loose everything. Well I'm not sure what they are going to do but will keep you all updated when I do. We had a problem with our water pressure this past weekend and had very little water. It's so cold here and we had to have the water dripping as we are prone to frozen pipes in this house. Hubby and I decided that we are going to move this spring/summer as this house will never get worked on like it should and it is owned by my brother in law. So after living here eight years we will move on. Easier said then done and it will be a true adventure for sure.

We had a good Christmas and the picture above is of my daughter and her new cousin on Christmas Eve. Ok I will update more later..stay warm out there.


Rose said...

winter here in Illinois has been the worst I've been through in a while. I, too get blue during the winter. But we all must hang in there.

I am so sorry for the fire, very very sad.

great pic!

Sara said...

Happy New Year to you too m'dear :o)

So very sorry to hear about your inlaws house burning down, what an awful thing to happen to anyone, let alone an elderly couple. Just glad that no one was hurt.


Missie said...

Stay in, stay warm and have a good weekend!